
System configuration of an MHI JOS
An MHI JOS is the latest Windows-based PC that comes with realtime
operation software with MHI JOS functions. You can operate an MHI JOS
on an ergonomics-based operator station (OPS). The operation is based
on general-purpose package software.
Functions are distributed to a JOS and a control system. Some functions need to be handled solely by the control system, and others need to be shared between the two. Functions are distributed so that, even if the MHI JOS PC fails, stable control functions over all units can be maintained with backup from the control unit.
Joint Operation System.pdf
Application MJOS.pdf
Due to recent turns of events such as electricity liberalization and
deregulation, factory management has entered a new competitive era, and
a factory with steam power facilities is now strongly required to
operate in a more economically efficient way than ever. MHI JOINT
OPERATION SYSTEM (MHI JOS) supports this trend in factory management.
In private power plants or factories with multiple boilers and turbines, in order for each boiler and turbine to operate with most economical steam and power generation, an MHI JOS performs real-time optimization calculations, displays the results, and controls each boiler and turbine accordingly.
In private power plants or factories with multiple boilers and turbines, in order for each boiler and turbine to operate with most economical steam and power generation, an MHI JOS performs real-time optimization calculations, displays the results, and controls each boiler and turbine accordingly.
In paper factories, iron foundries, and the like, in some cases, the
boilers, turbines, and air pipes in are constructed in a complex way,
and various types of fuels such as coal, fuel oil, and surplus
blast-furnace gas must be burned in an efficient way. In addition,
various requests regarding power demand, electricity trading, steam
demand, and others have to be satisfied.
At any moment, the most economical operation pattern needs to be found based on overall evaluation of all those conditions. An MHI JOS formulates those conditions as a multivariable equation, and solves it in real time.
This is enabled by the following three functions:
At any moment, the most economical operation pattern needs to be found based on overall evaluation of all those conditions. An MHI JOS formulates those conditions as a multivariable equation, and solves it in real time.
This is enabled by the following three functions:
(1). Economical operation solver for an n-th degree equation as a conditional non-linear optimization problem
(2). State estimation function as a countermeasure against detection error; Automatic update function for operation characteristics of each piece of equipment to compensate for changes in characteristics over time.
(3). A function to send the values of control variables to a control system such as a distributed control system (DCS) or to a direct control panel, based on the calculation result from a JOS.
(2). State estimation function as a countermeasure against detection error; Automatic update function for operation characteristics of each piece of equipment to compensate for changes in characteristics over time.
(3). A function to send the values of control variables to a control system such as a distributed control system (DCS) or to a direct control panel, based on the calculation result from a JOS.
Based on the vast experience as a leading plant manufacturer, an MHI
JOS offers optimal operation of factory steam power and meets our
customers' needs by constructing a flexible and distributed PC and
server system using the latest software technology.
System Configuration

System configuration of an MHI JOS
Functions are distributed to a JOS and a control system. Some functions need to be handled solely by the control system, and others need to be shared between the two. Functions are distributed so that, even if the MHI JOS PC fails, stable control functions over all units can be maintained with backup from the control unit.
Joint Operation System.pdf
Application MJOS.pdf